On Tuesday, November 12 the CGA Educational Foundation hosted a webinar to help companies learn more about the requirements of upcoming laws that will affect the grocery industry.
During this important webinar, attendees heard from Louie Brown, CGA’s lead Contract Lobbyist, and Michel LeClerc, Chair of the Association’s Government Relations committee, on how these new laws will affect your business.
Grocery Targeted Legislation
AB 98 – Warehouses & Logistic Centers
Establishes requirements for the building of new or expansion of existing logistics centers near sensitive sites.
SB 1046 – Compostable Produce Bags
Requires pre-checkout bags to be compostable beginning January 1, 2025.
SB 399 – Captive Audience Meetings – Employer Restrictions
Prohibits an employer from punishing an employee that chooses not to participate in certain employer sponsored meetings.
SB 428 – Employee Harassment – Protective Orders
Allows an employer to seek a TRO on behalf of an employee that has suffered harassment.
SB 1053 – Plastic Checkout Bags
Restricts retailers to provide only paper bags at the point of sale for a charge beginning January 1, 2026.
Presenters: Louie Brown, Jr., Attorney with Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP; Michel LeClerc, Chief Financial Officer for North State Grocery and Chair of CGA Government Relations Committee