Establish a Deeper Connection to Your Industry
There are countless material benefits to being a CGA member, but none more important than being a part of a unified grocery community. Together, we are able to have an outsized impact on the industry at-large and the communities we serve. We hope you agree that deepening your connection to California’s grocery community is a worthy endeavor for your business and professional career.
Allowing you to focus on what you do best
Running a business is complicated enough without worrying about the latest piece of legislation introduced in Sacramento or how to keep up with a fast-changing industry. Whether you are an independent grocer or retail chain, let us take a load off you.
Your Voice in Government
Our team of in-house lobbyists and public affairs strategists
The California Grocers Association is essential for independent grocers for many reasons. It provides a unified voice for the industry, advocating for their interests on regulatory and policy matters. CGA also offers valuable resources, such as training (both online and in-person) and up-to-date
Dennis Darling, Foods Etc.
compliance guidance, helping independent grocers stay competitive, improve operations, and adapt to changing market trends. One of the best aspects of CGA is the opportunity to network with fellow independents as well as the best and brightest from larger chains. In today’s complex environment, no independent grocer can afford to face these challenges without the resources of the California Grocers Association.
Information for Decision Makers
In a world where anyone can create and distribute content, it is not access to information, but having the right context that makes a difference. Through our curated bi-monthly magazine, weekly email newsletter and educational programs at events, CGA cuts through the clutter to deliver the information our members need to lead their organizations.
Connect With Your Peers
For more than a century CGA has served as the waypoint for California’s grocery community. Our events assemble the sharpest minds from the industry, creating a network through which our members can build their careers and improve their businesses.
…Few places can get you in touch with your fellow retailers, manufacturers and distributors all under one roof. All the barriers are down and information flows easy and genuinely among all that participate. I’ve never experienced networking at this level in my 25-year career as a retailer.
Bob Parriott, President/CEO, Twain Harte Market
Empowering Your Team
In an era when strong employee retention and development can truly impact your bottom line, consider the CGA Educational Foundation your secret weapon for building a successful and sustainable company culture.