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Workplace Violence Prevention Webinar

California State Capitol building in Sacramento, CA

SB 553 Compliance

Wednesday, May 1 | 10:00 – 11:30 am

The State of California recently enacted a Workplace Violence Prevention Law (SB 553) which creates onerous requirements for nearly every California employer. By July 1, employers must establish, implement and maintain an effective written Workplace Violence Prevention Plan to be enforced by Cal OSHA. Additionally, employers must train their workforce about the company’s prevention strategies.

During CGA Educational Foundation’s upcoming webinar, CalOSHA experts Rachel Conn and Andrea Chavez of Conn Maciel Carey LLP will provide an in-depth overview of the requirements of the law and practical implementation advice including:

Presenters: Rachel Conn and Andrea Chavez, Conn Maciel Carey LLP

Join us on Wednesday, May 1 from 10:00 – 11:30 am PST for this presentation.

Free for CGA members | $75 for non-members.

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